FREE Masterclass For Anxiety


It's time to GET GROUNDED  

Discover how thousands of Women with High-Functioning Anxiety are readily relaxing their nervous system with easy to use, science-based tools and allowing their EXHAUSTED bodies to rest, rejuvenate and heal...


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So many of us are operating in a near-constant state of fight, flight, or freeze. In other words, we're used to running on a perpetually dysregulated nervous system. Maybe even since childhood!

It's time to slow right down and take a much-needed break.


You're invited to join this FREE and intimate experience with me to discover:

  • How to break the anxiety cycle using your own brain  (it will blow your mind how WILDLY powerful you really are)
  • A powerful visualisation experience GUARANTEED to lull you into a blissful, relaxed state (that will LAST FOR HOURS)
  • What happens to your body when you regulate your nervous system (& finally start the healing process)
  • Science-based techniques to help you drop into your body and out of your mind ANYWHERE, ANYTIME
  • A very special invitation reserved ONLY for those who join me live for the experience

I won't pressure you to do more, be more, or achieve more.

Instead, I want to offer you the gift of letting go—of releasing the urge to constantly move from one thing to the next.

I encourage you to stay open to trying something new and trust the flow...

By experiencing this state in your body, you'll learn how to access it wherever you are.


I am Australia's leading Anxiety Therapist, a Certified RTT® Hypnotherapist, Anxiety Mindset Coach, Inner Voice Facilitator & bachelor degree-qualified Naturopath & Nutritionist. I also wrote The Anxiety Reset Method, a book that's been changing thousands of women's lives around the world.

My work has been featured by Oprah and I've personally helped hundreds of clients worldwide through my online programs to master their anxious mind, and I'm host of the chart-topping Anxiety Reset® Podcast.

I am deeply committed to helping career-driven women step out of anxiety and fear using The Anxiety Reset® Method so they can thrive with confidence and pursue their heart's desires.

"Before working with Georgie, it felt like I was fighting an up-hill battle with anxiety. I was constantly on edge, feeling like I was going to be 'stuck' this way for life. Now I no longer have to put up a big 'fight' when anxiety shows up. It has given me so much more peace and a better quality of life. I will cherish my time spent wrapped up and held in Georgie’s cocoon."
Jess S.
"I was a highly strung worry wort before... I never thought I could live a life with a calm, settled feeling inside. I now have much more confidence at work, home and socially. I'd recommend Georgie to anyone wanting to feel inner peace. It is there if you know how to find it!"
Rachel M.

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